Saturday, February 6, 2016

Cooking: Molly's Toad-in-a-Hole

Hey all!

I hope you are having a lovely Saturday morning. I decided to make a special breakfast meal-- it is Saturday, after all! I was paging through some of my mom's cookbook's when I saw a recipe for a Toad-in-a-Hole! A Toad-in-a-Hole is basically toast with an egg in the middle. They are fast, fun, and easy to make.

Molly probably made Toad-in-a-Holes. Eggs were one of the few things that were not rationed, so Mrs. Gilford didn't feel as guilty when she used eggs!

One of the awesome things about this recipe is how few ingredients it needs and how easy it is to adjust the proportions! Listed below is enough to make six slices of bread. My slices of bread were super small, so I found that a serving was about 3 slices.

You will need:
  • 6 slices of bread
  • Something circular to cut the hole with (Find the right size for your bread-- there should be about an inch of bread between the crust and the hole. I used an Ikea juice glass to make an imprint and knife to cut it out.)
  • Butter (Make sure it's at a spreadable temperature! You can also used margarine.)
  • 6 eggs

Cut the hole out. Then, butter the bread and turn the stove on to high. Put your  bread, butter side down, on an ungreased pan. Crack an egg and drop it in the center. When it has solidified on the bottom (#5), flip it over. You want most of the white to be solid, with only a little bit being liquid. Then, flip it over and put it on your plate!

Finally, you are done! You can add a topping-- I really like a sprinkling of powdered sugar on mine! You could try syrup, I bet that would be good.

Just a note, always error on the side of burnt for these. You don't want liquid egg in the middle.

Are you going to try making a Toad-in-a-Hole? If so, be sure to shoot my an e-mail ( and send me a picture!

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